• Product Status : Available
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  • Product Category : Personal Care

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Item Sold : /500

R.O.C.S.® BLACK EDITION black toothpaste, which contains the patented Mineralin® Black compound. This toothpaste utilizes an advanced multi-stage cleaning system with special particles that effectively and safely remove plaque during the initial stages of brushing,The Mineralin® Black compound in this toothpaste is designed to clean and polish your teeth, leaving them shiny and bright. Its innovative formula ensures efficient and rapid removal of soft plaque. With R.O.C.S.® BLACK EDITION, you can achieve a thorough and effective cleaning experience, If you're looking for a toothpaste that not only cleans but also provides a unique and satisfying brushing experience, I highly recommend trying R.O.C.S.® BLACK EDITION, Its exceptional formula will leave your teeth feeling fresh and your smile radiant

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